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League Questionnaire

This questionnaire is only for Katy Insurance purposes.  List a team DOES NOT give them coverage.  Each team will need to complete a Team Application and make payment.



Due to recent litigation, the way a Certificate of Insurance is issued for the league has changed.  It has always been the intent that the league will have insurance coverage ONLY for the operation of the TEAMS that HAVE purchased our insurance coverage.  From November 13, 2018 forward the Named Insured will only be the team.  In the past, it included the League & the Team name.

The League will be issued a Certificate of Insurance showing them as a Certificate Holder of the Team.  A certificate holder is an Additional Insured, but only as respects to the operations of the Named Insured.

We will forward a copy of the Certificate of Insurance showing the League as a Certificate Holder to the email address listed on the League’s Application.

One thing that hasn’t changed:  Injuries to Participants ARE NOT COVERED.

Listing of the teams names does not qualify them as being covered. This is for reference purposes only.  Each team will need to submit an application and payment in order to be covered.

Full Name(Required)
MM slash DD slash YYYY
MM slash DD slash YYYY
STADIUM INSURANCE DOES NOT APPLY TO "bodily injury" to any person while practicing for or participating in any sports or athletic contests or exhibition that you sponsor. In simple terms, injuries to players are not covered. This also includes, but not limited to, coaches, trainers or cheerleaders. Teams listed are not automatically covered. This is for office references only. Each team MUST complete an application and payment in order to bind coverage.

Misstatements or omissions of relevant information by the client can lead to price variation or even declination or rescission of coverage. Information request to provide a quote or work on coverage will not be shared with carriers or with any other entity without the application's permission. To be clear: requesting coverage does not guarantee coverage can be provided. None of the information provided on this website is a guarantee that insurance will be provided or that the agency is obligated to procure insurance for the website visitor.

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